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I don’t like money. I’m not interested in money.

I don’t like money. I’m not interested in money.

I don’t like money. I’m not interested in money. Please don’t tell me how to make money again and again. My balance increases at a visible rate, and the unit is……

rats , screw you

rats , screw you

I like WordPress, but I don’t have time to maintain it; However, he is safe; Don’t try any offensive behavior, you will pay a heavy price for it. It’s disgusting.……

Don’t bother me

Don’t bother me

I’m busy, busy writing code! I found that many foreign friends contributed to my blog. I am very grateful for their contributions; But only something interesting. I like to m……



现在是2020年11月8日,星期日下午;感谢我的朋友们@高, 野 @安全小蜘蛛@侯明宇他们在荒芜的技术荒漠里带给我一丝安慰,网站终于搭好了。 也许,未来可以走很远;也许会在某年某天停住脚步,我盼望这个微不足道的小小站能给找不到答案的你,带来咖啡带来快乐! ……